Kingsville Boxwood Bonsai

Kingsville Boxwood Bonsai Tree Care Guide

If you are interested in Kingsville boxwood bonsai, you are not the only one. This member of the “Buxus” family is highly sought after due to its small leaves and compact size. Kingsville boxwood only grows about ½ an inch each year, making it a perfect choice for bonsai.

Should you decide to invest in this particular bonsai, you’ll want to take good care of it because Kingsville boxwood bonsai is not easy to replace. Keep reading to find out more about this prized specimen and how best to care for it.

Kingsville Boxwood Bonsai Tree Care


During the spring and summer, you can keep your Kingsville boxwood bonsai outdoors in a semi-shaded area. In nature, the tree would grow under the tree canopy and not receive direct light, so this arrangement keeps the Kingsville boxwood bonsai happy.

Boxwood can handle some morning sun, but needs shade in the afternoon. Be especially careful about exposing Kingsville boxwoods to afternoon sun in hot climates. They won’t appreciate baking in the sun any more than you do.

During the winter, Kingsville boxwoods go semi-dormant. Move your tree to a window with indirect sunlight in a cool area (around 50 degrees Fahrenheit if possible) of your home when temperatures begin dropping below freezing on a regular basis. 

You can also place them in an unheated garage or a cold frame if this will keep the temperature somewhat above freezing. Some people have better luck keeping boxwood bonsai outside even in cold temperatures because the trees do not enjoy the lack of humidity or the warm inside temperatures during a long winter in the house.

Humidity and Temperature

Boxwood bonsai can handle a wide range of temperatures. They can even withstand relatively cold temperatures. Keep them in temperatures above freezing during the winter when possible, but don’t allow them to get too warm in the winter because this will prevent the trees from going dormant.

If you choose to bring your Kingsville boxwood bonsai inside during the winter, you will have to take steps to correct the humidity. Inside environments are much less humid thanks to heating and cooling systems.

Mist your boxwood bonsai once a week and consider placing a humidity tray underneath your bonsai for extra humidity if you bring your bonsai inside during the winter.


Kingsville boxwood bonsai grow best in sandy, loamy soil. This is because the soil retains enough water to be moist, but not so much water that the soil is too soggy.

A bit like Goldilocks, these trees want soil that is just right: not too wet, not too dry.

Do not use regular potting soil with boxwood bonsai. Most potting soil mixes will not have the appropriate amount of drainage. Bonsai is typically in small pots, and the trees stay in one pot for several years.

Either purchase soil specifically designed for bonsai or follow instructions to make a mix of your own. I’d recommend purchasing a soil mix designed for bonsai if you are new to the art of bonsai.

Boxwood Bonsai

How Often Do You Water a Kingsville Boxwood Bonsai Tree?

The frequency that you need to water boxwood bonsai trees changes depending on multiple factors, including weather and location. Water them enough to keep the soil moist, but not too soggy. It’s okay if the soil dries out somewhat, just don’t wait too long.

During the winter and fall, you can usually go a bit longer between waterings.

A general rule is to water every 1-2 days during the summer and 1 time per week during the winter months, adjusting as necessary during the fall and spring. However, the best way to decide how often to water your boxwood bonsai trees is to check the soil. Stick your finger 1 inch into the soil. If it’s completely dry at that depth, it’s time to water.

Kingsville boxwood bonsai can support short periods of underwatering, but don’t allow this to happen too regularly. The most common reasons that boxwood bonsai die are overwatering and underwatering. Check the soil frequently to ensure that you are watering properly, especially if you are new to bonsai.

You can use one of two methods of watering to ensure proper hydration.

  • The first option is the bottom-watering method. Place the pot containing your bonsai into a container half filled with water. Leave the pot sitting there for about 10 minutes to allow the soil to soak up water. If the soil still feels dry when you stick your finger 1 inch deep, then allow the pot to soak for an additional 20 minutes before removing.
  • The second option is top watering. This is exactly what it sounds like: you use a watering can or other container to pour water into the soil. Keep pouring until water begins draining out of the bottom. Then give the soil about 10 minutes to soak up water before returning to water once more. This ensures that the soil gets completely saturated.

Bottom watering is an excellent choice for preventing overwatering; however, it takes a little bit longer than top watering, and you’ll occasionally need to top-water to prevent salt and minerals from building up in the soil.

When to Fertilize Boxwood Bonsai Trees?

Your boxwood bonsai tree will need fertilizer to stay happy and healthy. Because the tree is in a pot, it cannot get all of the nutrients it would in the ground.

Don’t worry, though, you do not need to fertilize often. Most people give their boxwood bonsai a general all-purpose liquid fertilizer once a month during the months it is growing (AKA during the spring and summer).

Be sure to read the directions on the package. Consider using less fertilizer than recommended because you can always add more later if needed, but you can’t do much damage control if you accidentally over-fertilize.

A great way to avoid burning the roots on your bonsai is to use Bonsai Tree Food. You can use this gentle plant food every time that you water, and you won’t have to worry about damaging the root system.

When to Repot Kingsville Boxwood Bonsai Trees?

You know that you need to repot your bonsai boxwood as it matures over time, but you don’t actually have to do it all that often. In fact, repotting too much can stress out plants.

Bonsai boxwood trees need to be repotted only when the roots begin outgrowing the pot. You’ll know when this happens because you’ll begin to see roots coming out of the bottom.

To catch the problem earlier, check your bonsai’s roots every spring. Gently lift the tree and its root mass from the pot. If the roots have begun circling around the edge of the pot, then it’s time to repot. If there’s still soil outside the root ball, then your tree is probably okay to stay as is for a while.

Bonsai boxwood trees don’t have to be repotted often, though. Generally, evergreens like bonsai boxwoods only need to be repotted every 4-5 years.

It’s best to repot bonsai boxwood trees during the beginning of the summer when they are at their healthiest. However, if necessary, you can also repot them during the fall, but there is more of a chance that the recovery will not go as well.

You should trim up to ¼ of the root system when repotting, and either place the tree back in the original container with new soil or into a new container. Trimming and repotting stresses out plants, so keep them shaded and well-watered after the repotting process. Don’t use any fertilizer for a month after repotting because the roots are very vulnerable to burns and damage during this time.

How to Bonsai Kingsville Boxwood

The wood of boxwood is very durable, which makes it a perfect tree for bonsai.

Boxwood Bonsai Styling

Kingsville boxwood bonsai are versatile when it comes to styling. You can choose almost any style with boxwood, except cascade, which doesn’t work well with this type of tree. The most popular choices are informal upright, twin upright, and groups. Beginners will have the best results from choosing an informal upright style.

Training bonsai is a tricky process that is most successful when done by experts. Due to the density of boxwood branches, wiring needs to be done when the branches are young; otherwise, they will be too difficult to bend.

Boxwood Bonsai Pruning and Trimming

Boxwood bonsai trees should be pruned and trimmed during the growing season. This means that you will be doing more pruning and trimming during the spring and summer.

During the spring, begin cutting back some of the interior secondary branches to maintain shape and open the crown. If you are doing major branch removal, carving deadwood, or removing more than 30% of growth, prune at the beginning of the growing season.

Trimming boxwood bonsai helps keep the tree short while encouraging the trunk to grow thicker. With Kingsville boxwood bonsai, in particular, it may be easier to remove new growth by pinching instead of using tools to trim or prune.

Other Types of Boxwood Bonsai

As one of the most sought-after specimens in the “Buxus” family, Kingsville boxwood bonsai are difficult to locate and expensive. If your wallet isn’t prepared for a Kingsville boxwood bonsai, then there are plenty of other great choices in the same family.

Harland Boxwood Bonsai Tree

The Harland boxwood bonsai stands out with yellow flowers in the spring. Many owners particularly love the intricate patterns on the trunk and the glossy leaves. It’s a great choice for beginners or anyone who wants a relatively adaptable bonsai.

Japanese Boxwood Bonsai

If you like the look of the Kingsville boxwood bonsai, consider getting a different Japanese boxwood bonsai. The Kingsville boxwood bonsai falls under the Japanese boxwood category. Kingsville boxwood bonsai is a compact variety of Japanese boxwood. Other Japanese boxwoods are larger than the Kingsville but just as attractive.

English Boxwood Bonsai

The dwarf English boxwood is prized for its verdant foliage. The leaves are lighter than Kingsville boxwood, but owners insist that the color looks good with everything. Like other boxwoods, English boxwoods are well-suited for bonsai.

Kingsville Boxwood Bonsai FAQ

FAQ: Do boxwoods make good bonsai?

Thinking of getting a boxwood bonsai? You’re not alone. Boxwoods are a popular choice among bonsai enthusiasts because boxwoods make an excellent choice for bonsai.

Boxwoods are naturally slow-growing trees. They are hardy and relatively adaptable. Although boxwoods have some specific requirements, they are among the most forgiving of the trees selected for bonsai.

Owners love boxwood bonsai’s weathered look and its adaptability to most bonsai styling techniques.

FAQ: Why is my boxwood bonsai dying?

The most common cause of boxwood bonsai dying is too much or too little water. Make sure to keep the soil moist and don’t allow it to dry out completely; but also don’t let water pool up in the container and keep the soil soggy.

Is the soil is completely dry? Soak your bonsai in a container of water for 10 minutes and allow it to sit outside for a little while. If the soil is drenched, do not water until the soil begins to dry around the top.

Have soil that is too soggy, cut back on watering.

FAQ: Why are my boxwood bonsai leaves dry?

Dry boxwood bonsai leaves are generally caused by overwatering or underwatering. Rather than watering your boxwood bonsai on a schedule, water it only when the top of the soil begins to dry out but there is still some moisture in the soil below.

If you have underwatered and the soil is too dry, soak the bonsai in water for 10 minutes and allow it to dry out before rewatering. If you have overwatered, allow the soil to dry out and water less often in the future.

Surprisingly, your boxwood will need less water for a little while when the leaves are dry regardless of whether you have overwatered or underwatered. Because the leaves are damaged, they cannot take up as much water as normal.

Have another question about caring for your Kingsville boxwood bonsai plant? Drop a comment below!

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